Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Day 8 Using Sensa

I do notice a slight difference in the way my clothes fit.  They're a speck looser.  But I have to admit I've had a few failures in eating judgement in the last couple of days.  I eat when I'm bored or upset so, when my internet became impossible to get on yesterday, I turned (unhungrilly) to the frozen yogurt I had in the freezer.  It had been there for over a week so that's a miracle in itself but my many years of conditioning to turn to food when under stress proved too deeply imbedded for Sensa to overcome.  I'll do better today.

I've given up potato chips (one of my worst eating addictions) of my own free will and haven't had an urge to buy any.  Knowing that I can't have unhealthy snacks in the house, I've been careful to store fresh fruit or low cal yogurt only and haven't missed the bad stuff at all.

I understand that Sensa won't do all the work but the user has to make good choices, also.  Sensa just seems to make that easier for us.

Sensa is not a miracle diet aid, just an assistant for you to achieve the goal of shedding extra pounds.  I'm still trying!

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