Thursday, November 28, 2013

Day 10 Using Sensa

I'm still using Sensa but still having a problem remembering to sprinkle it on everything I eat.  The good part is that I'm more aware of everything I put in my mouth and that's a big help in dieting.

I eat out a lot so I carry packets of Sensa in my purse and there is absolutely no embarrassment about using it in public.  Fewer people than we'd like to think pay any attention to us, anyway.  Since I don't have a scale, I really don't know how successful I've been using this product but I take more precautions against eating junk.

My friend, Joann, asked me to order her month 3 on Ebay and I was able to get it for $8.25.  A lot of people try Sensa but fail to lose weight because they don't change their overeating habits and then they sell it on Ebay or Amazon to recoup some of their money.  Good for us!  I'm still using month 1 so I don't want to purchase month 3 for myself until I feel that it's been worth it.  So far, Joann has lost 35 pounds over a 6 month period so it's very much worth it for her to continue.  I hope it will be for me, too.


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