Thursday, November 28, 2013

Day 10 Using Sensa

I'm still using Sensa but still having a problem remembering to sprinkle it on everything I eat.  The good part is that I'm more aware of everything I put in my mouth and that's a big help in dieting.

I eat out a lot so I carry packets of Sensa in my purse and there is absolutely no embarrassment about using it in public.  Fewer people than we'd like to think pay any attention to us, anyway.  Since I don't have a scale, I really don't know how successful I've been using this product but I take more precautions against eating junk.

My friend, Joann, asked me to order her month 3 on Ebay and I was able to get it for $8.25.  A lot of people try Sensa but fail to lose weight because they don't change their overeating habits and then they sell it on Ebay or Amazon to recoup some of their money.  Good for us!  I'm still using month 1 so I don't want to purchase month 3 for myself until I feel that it's been worth it.  So far, Joann has lost 35 pounds over a 6 month period so it's very much worth it for her to continue.  I hope it will be for me, too.


Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Day 8 Using Sensa

I do notice a slight difference in the way my clothes fit.  They're a speck looser.  But I have to admit I've had a few failures in eating judgement in the last couple of days.  I eat when I'm bored or upset so, when my internet became impossible to get on yesterday, I turned (unhungrilly) to the frozen yogurt I had in the freezer.  It had been there for over a week so that's a miracle in itself but my many years of conditioning to turn to food when under stress proved too deeply imbedded for Sensa to overcome.  I'll do better today.

I've given up potato chips (one of my worst eating addictions) of my own free will and haven't had an urge to buy any.  Knowing that I can't have unhealthy snacks in the house, I've been careful to store fresh fruit or low cal yogurt only and haven't missed the bad stuff at all.

I understand that Sensa won't do all the work but the user has to make good choices, also.  Sensa just seems to make that easier for us.

Sensa is not a miracle diet aid, just an assistant for you to achieve the goal of shedding extra pounds.  I'm still trying!

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Day 5 Using Sensa

I have had company, Matt and Sandra, for a few days so there's been no time to keep this post updated.  That said, I've stuck to my Sensa "diet" and been very pleased with how easy it's been.  My biggest problem is remembering to sprinkle the stuff on my food before eating but I can honestly say that controlling my appetite has been easier.

I haven't had to worry about over-eating during the day but the evenings have always been my downfall.  I developed reflux last year so I really can't eat late or I'll have reflux all night long.  But it's the time between 6 PM and 8 PM when some kind of not real hunger hits me.  I keep yogurt in the fridge and it used to help a bit to ease my imaginary hunger but now, using Sensa, it's all I need or want in the evenings.

It's too early in the game to feel much difference in the way my clothes fit but I have hopes of noticing a change by next weekend.  In the meantime, I do believe the Sensa is doing what it was designed to do.

Two more friends, Debbie and Molly, are considering giving it a try.  It will be fun to see the wished for results for all of us.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Day 2 Using Sensa

I know this is early in the day to be making an observation but I have one anyway.  Yesterday, I used the Sensa on my lunch and had no hunger feelings until dinner and not much even then.  I used Sensa on my dinner and continued to feel no hunger all evening...but, even though not hungry, I did munch on 2 small packages of potato chips just because they were there.  My problem is partly due to not being able to have munchies in the house because I'll eat them. 

It was interesting to note yesterday that I felt no hunger at any time so it was easy to not eat inbetween meals.  Now, if only those darned potato chips hadn't been staring me in the face, I would have made it through the day in good shape.

Update:  I had lunch at a restaurant today but forgot to put Sensa packets in my purse...I've since corrected that.  I only ate about half my lunch because I simply wasn't hungry so the other half came home with me and served as my dinner.  Unfortunately, I forgot to sprinkle the Sensa on my dinner until near the end.  I have to get into the habit of using it!

We play Bingo tonight and I plan to have a low calorie yogurt cup when I get home.  Right now my tummy is full and it's hard to even think of eating anything more.  So far, so good!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Day 1 Using Sensa

I really don't have much hope for success using Sensa but it will be interesting to see if it will work even just a tiny bit for me.  My biggest problem with eating is that I have no self control when it comes to choosing what I eat but will merrily drift toward comfort, high calorie food instead of the healthy stuff.

Joann has been using it for 6 months and has lost 32 pounds so I researched it first out of concern for her well being.  I discovered that Sensa works by smell and doesn't affect the user's metabolism.  That made it very interesting to me.  Then Sylvia...healthy eating and living lady...decided to try it to lose the few extra pounds she's carrying so I thought, if she can try it, so can I.

Sylvia ordered 2 months supply for each of us but there is a formula available for month 3 through 6, too, if we decide to keep going.  I think we'll know within the 2 months if it's worth our while.

We got our supply from and it was cheaper than Joann's Sensa.  She bought hers from a health food store.  I have to warn anyone reading this that under no circumstances should you order from the manufacturer or T.V. commercials because, once they have your credit card information, it seems they will continue to bill you long after you quit buying from them.

Sylvia's and my Sensa came in packet form which makes it very easy to put in your purse or pocket to take to a restaurant.  All you do is to sprinkle either the "sweet" or "salty" packet on top of your food but remember that one packet must do you all day so save some for your next meal.  I didn't notice any taste at all on my lunch sandwich.  I do notice right now that I'm not hungry one tiny bit.  It could be my imagination but I don't care...just as long as I'm not eating inbetween meals.  The big test for me will come this evening after playing cards so I'll mention in tomorrow's blog if the Sensa works for me then.

Wish us luck!