Friday, December 27, 2013

Week 5 on Sensa

Well, my horrible mistakes (chocolates and donuts) over the past week caused another 1 lb. gain but I'm back on track and won't let this setback deter me.  In the past, I've been very easily discouraged when I gained instead of lost but I know this happens often during the course of dieting.  My own gain wasn't mysterious at all, though, because I know exactly where I failed.

No fear, I'm back to working on my weight and will continue no matter how slow it comes off.  Right now I'm down only 6 lbs. but that's still 6 lbs. of blubber that was part of me 5 weeks ago.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Day 34 on Sensa

I gained back one of my lost pounds and I'm not happy about it.  From years of going on one diet or another I know this happens every so often so it won't keep me from continuing on Sensa.  I've managed to purchase bargains on Ebay for myself, Sylvia, and Joann and still plan to stock up on enough to get us through the summer and into November.

In whatever way the Sensa works, it spurs us to do our best to eat sensibly and I need every incentive I can get.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Day 29 on Sensa

Just losing that 8 lbs. has made me feel more comfortable in my body.  It's obvious how overweight people have more difficulty in movement and simply losing a few of those excess pounds can make our lives a little better. 

I weigh in officially tomorrow so I hope all of those 8 lbs. are still gone.  I'm continuing to stock up on Sensa and will do so until I have enough to get me through the summer and into next November.  The reason I'm stocking up is that I'm not sure I can obtain it when I get back home to Canada.

My hope is to lose another 30 lbs. by this time next year.  This may or may not be wishful thinking but I'm certainly going to do my best to make it happen.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Day26 on Sensa

I've lost 8 pounds and and currently 1 pound less than I've been in years.  I didn't weigh myself before starting Sensa but I was last weighed at the doctor's office in July so I used that as a starting weight.  In any case, I weigh 8 pounds less than I did in July and that's a great improvement.

Knowing I have to face the scale makes it even easier to watch what I eat but I do believe the Sensa is helping also.  I don't binge eat and I don't need to eat between meals...I don't get hungry enough to do that and I credit Sensa with keeping my hunger pangs at bay.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Day 23 on Sensa

I did the smart thing by buying a scale.  How the heck did I think anyone could be on a successful diet without knowing their weight along the way?  So I weighed myself and saw that I'd apparently lost about 5 lbs. over the 3 week period I'd been using Sensa and, while not a huge loss, a loss nonetheless.  The good thing is that I know I'll be more dilligent about my eating habits because the scale will not lie.  My next goal is to lose another 5 lbs. because small increments like that seem more possible than making a 30 or 40 lb. goal to start with.   I'm still trying...and that's a good thing!

Friday, December 6, 2013

Day 17 on Sensa

It could be wishful thinking but I'm wearing a pair of pants that seems looser than they used to be.  I have no interest in becoming skinny, just comfortable so I just might be on my way.  No matter how long it takes, I do like the idea of using Sensa.  Now I'm thinking about buying a scale so I can have proof of progress.

Day 17 on Sensa

It could be wishful thinking but I'm wearing a pair of pants that seems looser than they used to be.  I have no interest in becoming skinny, just comfortable so I just might be on my way.  No matter how long it takes, I do like the idea of using Sensa.  Now I'm thinking about buying a scale so I can have proof of progress.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Day 15 on Sensa

I wish I had better news but there's not much happening here.  It would help if I had a scale to weight myself, though.  At least the Sensa seems to be controlling my urge to eat between meals but I'd hoped for more.  I do forget to sprinkle it on everything I eat and that is apparently very important so I'll try to do better.